This is the Humility Curve made by Tim Hanson, it shows the normal path of an investor. Normally investors start at stocks they understand like Whole Foods (WFM), Mattel (MAT), etc. Then, investors think that they’ll make more money with complicated stocks like Cresud. People believe that they can make more money with complicated stocks because when it comes to jobs, the more complicated the more money you make, this doesn’t apply to stocks and I’ll show you why. Cresud is an Argentinian farming company, they own farmland in Brazil and sell it at very low prices, around $3.00 an acre. I know that sounds like a great deal and maybe once they sell some of their lands they’ll make a profit, the second you glance at the numbers you’ll find that Cresud is not the way to go. Metric Hurdle Cresud ( CRESY ) Gross margin 25% or higher 28.9% Return on Equity 15% or higher -109.9% Dividend yield Between 2-5% --- Dividend Payout Ratio 50% or lower --- ...
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