I know the image doesn’t say the words Earnings anywhere. As an investor, you look at the value of the company. The company’s value is based on their Earnings. And that is why it says value and is still related to P/E Ratios. The first thing you need to know about P/E Ratios is what P and E stand for. P stands for Price and E for Earnings. Therefore, P/E is a Price to Earnings Ratio or to put it in another way, Price divided Earnings. A P/E Ratio calculates how much you will have to pay to get a dollar of the company’s earnings. If Mattel’s(MAT) P/E Ratio is 31.3 that would mean when you pay $31.30 you would get a dollar of Mattel’s earnings. Here’s how to calculate it. As the metric clearly states in the name you divide the company’s Price share by their Earnings per share. I use Morningstar for my stock research. First, you need to find the Earnings per Share, that is located on the Key Ratios page. Mattel’s Earnings per share is $1.02 and their Price per share is $31.97, ...
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